Episode 04: Depression, Anti-depressants, and Sex


In this episode we'll sift through the research to find out what actually happens to our sexual function when we take antidepressants.

Roughly 7% of Canadians and 12% of Americans are taking antidepressant meds like Prozac or Zoloft. 

While anti-depressant medication lifts millions out of the gloom, there's also the side effects. There are a range of possible side effects including dry mouth, intense dreams, and upset stomachs, but in this episode, we are talking about the sexual side effects.  

Do We Know Things about anti-depressants and sex? Let's find out!

Script is coming soon!

Music and editing Jeremy Dahl www.palebluedot.ca


Episode 05 – Does Testosterone Make You Horny?


Episode 03: Herpes, Herpes Everywhere